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bus in Hunstanton on a sunny day

Bus routes and timetables

To help you in planning your journey, Travel Norfolk provides an interactive map that allows you to effortlessly locate bus stops and access detailed bus route information. This user-friendly map is designed to enhance your travel experience, enabling you to explore Norfolk with confidence and ease. With just a few clicks, you can search for specific bus stops, view route details, and even track real-time bus information to minimise waiting times!

Read on for instructions on how to access our interactive tool.

This is an illustration of a girl walking in the park on a sunny day

How to get to journey planner

  • Select ‘Journey Planner’ at the top of the page
  • This will take you to our interactive map with lots of tools to help you in your search. You can zoom in and out, pan across the map and click on specific bus stops or routes to obtain more detailed information

This is an illustration of a girl by the coast using her phone to plan her route somewhere.

How to use journey planner to find bus routes and timetable

  • To find more information about bus routes, click on “bus route search”
  • Put your bus service number or location in the search bar provided, or search for a specific bus stop if you know it
  • Click the search button to find the relevant bus route information
  • The search results will display the bus route, option to download a timetable, and additional details, helping you plan your journey eff

This is an illustration of two pupils getting off of the school bus to go to school.

How to use journey planner to find specific bus stops and view live departures

  • Toggle the bus stops on by ticking the bus stop icon above the key on the map
  • Find the stop on the map or search for the location using the search box, type in the road name that the bus stop is located on
  • The interactive map will pan to your chosen location and if there are any bus stops in that area, they will be shown on the map as little bus stop icons
  • Click on the bus stop which will bring up route information and live departures

How to get to journey planner

  • Select ‘Journey Planner’ at the top of the page
  • This will take you to our interactive map with lots of tools to help you in your search. You can zoom in and out, pan across the map and click on specific bus stops or routes to obtain more detailed information

How to use journey planner to find bus routes and timetable

  • To find more information about bus routes, click on “bus route search”
  • Put your bus service number or location in the search bar provided, or search for a specific bus stop if you know it
  • Click the search button to find the relevant bus route information
  • The search results will display the bus route, option to download a timetable, and additional details, helping you plan your journey eff

How to use journey planner to find specific bus stops and view live departures

  • Toggle the bus stops on by ticking the bus stop icon above the key on the map
  • Find the stop on the map or search for the location using the search box, type in the road name that the bus stop is located on
  • The interactive map will pan to your chosen location and if there are any bus stops in that area, they will be shown on the map as little bus stop icons
  • Click on the bus stop which will bring up route information and live departures