Why use Travel Norfolk?

Local and accurate
Discover local, accurate and real-time public transport information

Mix up your modes
Use the map to find cycle parking and cycle share schemes close to transport links.

What’s in your area?
Use our helpful map key to find local amenities and points of interest.

Going Somewhere?
Use the Trave Norfolk journey planner to find the journey that suits you. Whether you’re looking for the quickest, greenest, healthiest, or cheapest route the results will display to help you decide.

One journey at a time…
Did you know 50% of journeys are under 2 miles? Travel Norfolk is all about asking people to think about how they travel – one journey at a time. It’s not always an option to leave the car at home – sometimes the load is too heavy, the distance is too long, or the weather is too bad. But if people did leave the car at home – especially for those short journeys then the impacts would be great – including cleaner air, less congestion and better health and wellbeing.

Choose the bus
Travel Norfolk provides all the information you need to make bus travel the easy option. Our interactive map allows you to effortlessly locate bus stops and access detailed bus route information. With just a few clicks, you can search for specific bus stops, view route details, and track real-time bus information to minimise waiting times!

Funding boost for active travel in Norfolk
Active Travel England have today announced an additional £4.45million for active travel in Norfolk as part of a wider nationwide funding…

Win £250 in Amazon Gift Vouchers with Our E-Cargo Bike Competition!
Are you ready to make your deliveries greener and more cost-effective? From now until March, businesses across Norfolk have the…

Double million milestone for Norwich scheme
One of the UK’s most popular e-scooter trial schemes has racked up one million journeys across Norwich.The milestone comes as…

Investment and enhancements lead to increased passenger satisfaction on Norfolk’s buses
A recent independent survey through Transport Focus found that overall bus passenger satisfaction in Norfolk has increased by 6% with…